Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The perfect storm of troubles and I laughed, Ha!

The fender bender of last week was finally fixed on Friday after a week of being Carless not Carlos. Then on Sunday morning the "Service Engine Soon" light came on. At the same time on Monday a Malware defender 2009 spyware attacked my computer. In addition to that I got a cold from opening and breathing in the air from a bag of cypress mulch over the weekend. All within a span of 72 hours. Did I panic? Did I complain? No incredibly to my amazement I started laughing when I realized that all these disruptions were insignificant maladies of this out of balance existence. So, I again realized that laughter and being able to laugh at yourself is a whole lot better that sulking in panic and horror over things that in the scheme of things are insignificant. I reminded myself that" This too shall all pass" Laugh ,crack a joke watch a good comedy show like Andy Griffith or Mr. Bean and "Forgetta About it". It's not worth it.


  1. Hi Charlie. That is just about the best post I ever read! What truth in your words---so much better to laugh! I am reminded of the time I got stuck in a wheelchair between two clothing racks in a store and I sat there and laughed my fool head off till my daughter moved one of the racks and rescued me. Hugs.

  2. I could not have said this better myself.

    Great post!

  3. Keep it up, Laugh, it will all pass and be a memory, so laugh.

  4. Charlie, you left without saying Good-bye. Why, Charlie, why?
